Earlier in the week we had gotten an estimate of $500 to remove the brick patio which you see in the photos. By the end of the week the quote had changed to $750 and Jen and I were starting to feel a bit swindled, so we began to use the wits our dads taught us regarding these matters and contracted the job ourselves! One guy offered to break it up for the price of a six- pack (we gave him $80) and another guy is picking it up and disposing for $300. So for the low low price of $380, we have gotten rid of a buttload of brick!
The next morning all the plumbing started and now we are just awaiting our first inspection on Monday!
The vista that once was our backyard looks a bit in shambles, but with a bit of imagination a vision of relaxing spring evenings and quiet mornings with coffee and the paper are starting to emerge.